Our Leadership Team
Executive Director
Site Staff
A dedicated staff that creates a positive and fun learning environment. Each site includes a site director, 2-3 tutors (depending on size of class), and an assistant director. Director and tutors are certified teachers experienced in reading instruction.
Advisory Board
The Rev. Canon Brian Blayer, Christ Church Cathedral
Gifford Blaylock, CPA
Julie Bogart, CEO/Brave Writers
Brett Bonfield, Past COO, Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library
Robert Buechner, Attorney, Youth Organization Founder
Shannon Carter, Community Volunteer
Chris Cole, Former CEO, Intelligrated
Marjorie Davies, Community Leader
Michelle Feld, Administrator
Kim Fender, Past Executive Director, Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library
Candace Grafton, Educator
Michelle Guenther, CEO/Queen City Book Bank
Dr. Al Lopez, Physician, Hispanic Community Volunteer
Marsha Piphus, SCR Site Director, CPS Intervention Specialist
Harry Santen, Community volunteer, retired attorney
Kathy Wade, CEO, Learning Through Art, Inc.
The Rev. Canon Paul Williams, Christ Church Cathedral
The Rev. Anne Warrington Wilson, Episcopal priest